Bain & Company: Hydrogen Point of View

This document is a comprehensive report by Bain & Company on the global hydrogen market, focusing on the potential for clean hydrogen (green and blue) to play a significant role in the energy transition. It outlines key messages on hydrogen development, discusses the potential applications of hydrogen in various sectors, and analyses the current state of the market including production costs, cost competitiveness, and projected demand. The report identifies four key criteria driving clean hydrogen adoption and explores various business models for successful hydrogen projects during this early maturity phase. It also analyses the hydrogen market’s projected growth, outlining various scenarios based on factors such as government support, technological advancement, and customer willingness to pay. The report highlights the importance of monitoring key signposts, analysing regional hydrogen potential, and understanding the different waves of adoption in order to navigate the evolving hydrogen market. The report concludes by providing a framework for assessing various participation options within the hydrogen value chain and offering key questions to consider for companies seeking to enter the hydrogen market.