
TNI Research

True North Institute researches some of the most fundamental over-arching investment challenges that institutional investors will confront in the decade ahead.

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April 2024

Energy Transition Investment Framework 2.0

This is the update to the 1st Edition published in 2022 which incorporates insights from our deep dives into many pillars of the energy transition (renewables, hydrogen, carbon taxes, CCUS, etc.). Here we quantify the extent to which the transition can progress on pure economic grounds and translate that into our six core energy transition investment themes

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TNI Library

Clean Hydrogen Investment Framework

The most important things that all investors need to know about clean hydrogen There are few energy transition topics more controversial than clean hydrogen’s likely role, and it has huge investment implications, whether you are a public or private equity investor, and especially if you are a venture capital investor. For this reason, we spent…

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The pace and scale of global renewable energy penetration by 2030 & 2050

One of the most critical assumptions in our, or anyone’s, energy transition net-zero pathway is the extent to which renewable energy sources can supply our electricity needs going forward.

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The Role of Carbon Taxation in the Global Energy Transition

The cost of carbon abatement by any company over the next two decades is a key determinant of that company’s value today. Approximately half of the global economy or half the public companies in the world will see the cost of carbon abatement having a material impact on their valuation.

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Global Energy Transition Investment Framework First Edition

The global energy transition to net zero emissions is one of the largest and most complicated of economic and industrial transformations history will encounter.