CATF: Hydrogen in the Power Sector

This report, authored by the Clean Air Task Force, evaluates the potential role of clean hydrogen in decarbonizing the power sector, specifically focusing on the feasibility of using hydrogen as a fuel for power plants. The report meticulously analyses technical, logistical, and economic aspects of using hydrogen in power generation, concluding that it’s unlikely to be a cost-effective or efficient solution compared to other decarbonization strategies, such as integrating clean, firm generation technologies like nuclear and geothermal. While acknowledging the potential for using hydrogen as a form of long-duration energy storage to address imbalances in renewable electricity supply, the authors emphasize the importance of evaluating alternative solutions and minimizing the need for high-cost hydrogen storage. The report strongly advocates prioritizing the use of clean hydrogen in heavy industry and transportation sectors, where it can contribute more significantly to decarbonization efforts.